Beauty & cosmetics

Spinoff technologies from NASA investments have even led to advances in cosmetics and other beauty products. These innovations are part of a $340 billion dollar international industry that affects billions of people around the world.

For example, bioreactors that NASA created to simulate zero gravity growing conditions in labs on Earth are now used to manufacture extracts used in commercial products for skin healing and rejuvenation. Microspheres of liquified wax originally developed by NASA for the stealth bomber have also been applied in a number of other fields, including oil cleanups, delivery of antibiotics, food seasoning, and even self-refreshing lipsticks. LED light therapy originally developed for growing plants in space is now used to heal human skin, and also has medical applications for a variety of internal conditions including increased circulation, pain relief, arthritis therapy, muscle relaxant, and even fighting cancerous tumors. 

From NASA’s space science efforts come innovative new technologies with a wide variety of impactful applications, from life saving medicine to daily make-up routines.