Cornwall Space Port Seeking Sustainability
Head of Spaceport Cornwall, Melissa Thorpe
Head of Spaceport Cornwall, Melissa Thorpe, said: “We believe transparency and openness need to be a priority in our industry, because the impacts and outcomes affect us all.” While there are many benefits to Satellite launches, Spaceport Cornwall is assessing its environmental impact and seeks to reduce it. Their report is focused on five areas that need improvement which are carbon emissions, biodiversity, marine environment, on-site facilities, and space debris. They also created a Sustainability Steering Group made out of environmental experts and stakeholders at Cornwall and they will review and consult with spokespeople for each part of the action plan and how to bring it to its next stage. The goal is to make space launches more open and transparent and show the world how it can truly improve their lives. This way the Spaceport can detail its commitments and progress to the world and be an example of how Spaceports can better the world.