Swiss women in space
Deborah Müller, engineer and manager at the space company RUAG
Far more men have been to space than women. Now the European Space Agency ESA is looking for new staff and is keen on hiring women. “Only a small proportion of girls at academic schools choose STEM subjects and go on to study them at university. Only 30 % of students are female at the Federal Institutes of Technology. The MINT Women's Network wants to change that,” says Gabriela Pejic, a chemist and headmistress at the Menzingen cantonal school in the central Swiss canton of Zug. One Swiss woman who may have the right stuff to make it into space is Deborah Müller, an engineer and manager at the space company RUAG. She has applied for astronaut training with ESA and if successful she could become a great role model for other women in Switzerland and around the world.