Empowering Young Women to Pursue STEAM Education and Explore Careers in Space.
1 School
5 Finalists
1 Winner
Lycée Hélène Boucher, named after a famous female French aviation pioneer, is a school in Paris dedicated to aviation and aerospace. The school features an aeronautical program which prepares students for the BIA (Brevet d'initiation à l'Aéronautique). There is also a Makerspace for the students, and many optional courses are offered, including music, art history, and engineering science. The school is an ideal partner for a Space Prize competition.

What is the Space Prize Challenge - Paris?
The Space Prize Challenge was designed to encourage young women to pursue STEAM* education and explore careers in the space industry. This contest was focused on students attending Lycée Hélène Boucher in Paris. Any young woman attending the school can apply.
Five finalists were chosen from the best submissions, and one winner was selected from among the finalists. The finalists received one year of mentorship from a woman in the space industry, and special recognition at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in September 2022. The winner received an Air Zero G flight in February 2023.**
* STEAM is Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math
** Note: The winner must be 18 years old at the time of the flight, or else defer the flight until they are 18 years of age.
Round 1 Prompt
Humanity must make sustainable decisions in order to avoid the depletion of natural resources and in order to maintain ecological balance on Earth. In an essay of 1000 words or less, tell us about how sustainability has impacted your life, how it has changed the way that you experience the world, and how you believe it should be considered as humans migrate into space and onto other worlds.
round 2 prompt
In a well produced video of 90 seconds or less, tell the viewer who you are, how old you are, and where you go to school. Then answer the prompt below.
Explorers travel through unfamiliar places and discover the unexpected. Tell us about a time when you felt the magic of discovery, how it has impacted your life, and how you hope this experience will inspire you in the future.
June 1, 2022
Launch of competition
july 1, 2022
round 1 complete
August 1, 2022
round 2 complete
september 18, 2022
finalists honored and winner announced at the international astronautical conference (IAC) in Paris
february 16, 2023
Air Zero G Flight
meet the judges

The ZeRO-G experience
Thank you to our supporters.