The Space Education Curriculum is addressing the critical need for more current, accessible, and engaging teaching material, particularly for young women.
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•How is the curriculum different?
•Emphasis on why space matters to people on Earth today, from the benefits of spinoff technologies to the critical role of space science in protecting the environment and combating climate change.
•Focus on skill sets and mindsets that students need to be successful solving problems in their complex and unpredictable future, regardless of whether or not they work in the space industry: the explorer's mindset, moonshot thinking, design methods, synthesis, collaboration, and relentless self reflection.
•Up to date information on New Space (or Space 2.0), including commercial efforts like SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and more, including independent international efforts like the Chinese space program.
•Looks forward to consider new issues of sustainability, governance, and ethics.
•Introduces students to space philosophy, including the Overview Effect, the increasing existential threats to all life on Earth, and humanity's higher aspirations as custodian of life in the solar system and beyond.
•Curriculum Distribution: The Space Prize Foundation has partnered with UNESCO to distribute the Space Education Curriculum in East Africa, starting with Rwanda. Space Prize is using UNESCO’s deep network of educators and schools to facilitate teacher training workshops and curriculum improvements that will impact x students etc.
•Curriculum Modules (see SP General Template) (SM TO PROVIDE LATER)