Women on the forefront of the U.S. Space Force

Cadet Leksi Murnieks, AFROTC Det 645, and Lt Col Emily Kubusek, USAF, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies pause training for a picture on campus at The Ohio State University. (WSYX)

Space Force is an entirely new branch of military service, and women like Cadet Leksi Murnieks will be at the forefront. The role women will play in Space Force, just like all branches of service, continues to grow, reshaping out national security and challenges that have yet to be defined. So, how do you prepare for a branch of service that is still being established? It’s a combination of math, science, aerospace engineering, and more, including P.T. regularly before the sun comes up. As an Air Force ROTC student, Murnieks will graduate from Ohio State as a commissioned officer in the Space Force. “Having a diverse workforce in the Space Force is going to be crucial in our future,” says Lt Col Kubusek. “We have to have the diversity of thought. We have to have the people that look different, think different, feel different. Women bring something extra to the table and we need that.”

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